
Sampling of  appearances

  • keynote speaker on the use of ontologies for integrating natural language and sensory processing
  • Co-Instructor for an intensive semester course for graduate students on  Wittgenstein’s logic and its application to artificial intelligence
  • Invited speaker at MIT/Lincoln Labs to speak about new methods in logic-based  artificial intelligence
  • Invited participant/speaker at the Library of Alexandria’s special conference/roundtable on the next generation of sustainability indicators
    • expert session on the use of smart information grids for improving sustainability indicators
    • public session on the multidimensional information requirements for sustainability indicators
  • Invited speaker at Environment Agency Abu Dhabi’s workshop on managing sustainability information
  • Invited speaker at multiple Hyperion user conferences in the U.S. and in Europe on integrating Sustainability reporting with extant management information systems
  • Invited speaker as a part of the Air Force Research Laboratories distinguished speaker series on new Frontiers in Information Science and Technology
  • Featured speaker at a series of Business Intelligence seminars hosted by Cognos Corporation in Toronto, Vancouver, Philadelphia; Topic: Enterprise Business Intelligence in the New Economy
  • Invited track chair at SIGIR for “integrating structured and unstructured data” in Washington D.C.
  • Invited speaker at Intel’s IMKD forum on “Integrating Business Intelligence and Knowledge Management”
  • Invited speaker at the CIA on “Building Multidimensional Information Systems”
  • keynote speaker at the Paper Industry Management Association IT conference on “Building Multidimensional Information systems for Manufacturing”
  • Invited speaker for IBC conference on data mining for telecommunications Integrating OLAP and data mining for telecommunications analysis
  • Opening keynote speaker at the ACM Conference for Information and Knowledge Management in Virginia.
    Topic:  Research Opportunities for Analytical Systems
  • Invited speaker at Madrid Technical University on building Multidimensional Information systems
  • Invited as the DSS expert for Intel’s CEO for his keynote address at Oracle Open World
  • Invited speaker Inter Op  on decision support standards
  • Invited speaker at IBM’s Thomas Watson Research Center on the relationship between foundational disciplines and software-based information modeling

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